Saturday, May 28, 2022

Man Haters Club

We don't really hate men, it's just what my cousin's husband calls our Friday night pottery group...

I missed Man Haters Club last week because I was out with Covid and this week's gathering was set to be cancelled due to a patio project at my cousin's house, but rain cancelled the patio project instead. I was selfishly relieved. It was a small gathering this week; three cousins, a friend, and myself. 

I've thrown a few bowls but feel pretty lost lately when it comes to the wheel. I've built a few boxes, fashioned a few figures, and more recently put together a few houses. I have to say, the houses are fun. I need to find and area to specialize in, so I can sell something particular, but I'm still working in that direction.

I've finally found a group that I feel a part of, although there's still that voice in the back of my head that wants to tell me, "They simply tolerate you..." Lies. Lies that have floated around in my head for longer than I can remember. I'm working on telling myself something different.


  1. Glad you aren't listening to the lies. I love you.❤️

  2. I was going to say the same as Rachel..
    He's a Lier and enjoys rattling your "cage" Don't listen and keep going to your club and doing the fun things with people who love you.

    1. It take a lot of practice when the Liar has been whispering in the ear for so long. Thanks for loving me, Sue.

    2. And I truly do!!! It's never too late to get Ear Plugs! Sorry for the misspelled word but the Liar is always off..(lier)
