Tuesday, April 05, 2022

A Few Bits and Pieces

 * Last week was Cannoli Week. It started with me finding International Delight Vanilla Cannoli Creme Latte Creamer. (I bought two bottles.) My cousin Karen brought cannoli chips and dip to our Friday night potter group (also known as Man Haters Club), and on Saturday I had coffee with a friend and she offered me a mini cannoli. Voila! Cannoli Week!!!

* It was a Sandy Weekend. Friday night my cousin Sandy was at pottery. On Saturday I had coffee (and a mini cannoli) with my friend Sandi C. Sunday morning I sat with my friend Sandy R. at church. Last night (Monday) a few friends and I had dinner at Sandy P's house. Voila! Sandy Weekend!!!

* Three Strikes and You're Out! It was cute and funny once, but the third time is just downright annoying. The most convenient space to place the box of tissues is also the most inconvenient. I've purposed to make sure it is out of reach when the girls go down for a nap. Today was the third time my friend Bennett filled her crib with clean tissues. The first time I folded them and tucked them into a clean box. (Photo is from the first time.) The second time, feeling rather flustered, I threw them in the trash. Today I was not so very patient. I scolded her with several "no's!" as I grabbed the tissues that surrounded her. Ugh. She cried and I once again folded the clean tissues. They are now in a more convenient inconvenient spot.

* I've been feeling flustered and frustrated lately. Prayers would be appreciated. (Thank you so much.)


  1. Prayers coming your way..Prayers for patience and peace of mind.
    You need a few more times like your Cannoli week!!
    Glad you are seeing friends and going places.(((hugs)))

    1. Thank you for praying.
      ((hugs)) to you too.
