Thursday, March 05, 2020

Bits and Pieces

* Is tomorrow Friday already? It seems as though the week just started and yet here it is coming to a close. How is it that every weeks goes faster than the last?

* Stressful day at work. A bit of drama and a visit from the state. Not looking fantastic for someone at the moment. I'm feeling tense, and all I did was answer questions. Questions can be hard to answer... Will my answer get someone else in trouble? Will I be in trouble too? ... My back hurts in a place it hasn't hurt in a long time, all down the middle between my shoulder blades.

* Met my friend Christina for dinner. I ate a salad but she just bought a drink.

* The house is quiet and empty tonight but it's actually feeling like a good thing right now. I might actually brush my teeth and tuck myself into bed. But I don't think I'll go to sleep quite yet.

* Something wonderful must have happened this week, but tonight I can't think of what it was. Maybe those couple of bright, sunny days and a promise that spring is just around the corner. Our snow is pretty much gone for the moment. That's pretty wonderful.

* Ah, perhaps it's a very good thing the weekend is almost here. I am ready for a good weekend.


  1. It is walking a fine line sometimes at work with answering questions. Have been there and didn't like it.
    Have a wonderful weekend- we have some sun today---finally- Hugs- Diana

  2. Stress sure can make the back and shoulders hurt. Hope the weekend will be a healer for you.
    Drama at work is the worst kind..I'm sure you gave the honest and forthright answers. That's all you can do.

  3. Oh dear, a reminder of "work stresses". I remember a few. I checked the wrong box and put a client's house in foreclosure....yikes. Thank the Lord we were able to reverse it, and I didn't have to pay the $900 out of my pocket. Love retired life!!!!!
