Every so often during the course of years, the subject of baby doctors would come up. So and so was pregnant and looking for a good ob/gyn. Who would I recommend? I personally loved my own doctor and wouldn't hesitate to give out his name, but to the best of my knowledge no one ever chose him as a result.

Recently my own daughter has been on the search for a new doctor. She isn't expecting, but wasn't at all happy with her previous choice. She wanted someone new, did her own research, and found a doctor she really likes. This evening she asked me again about my own ob/gyn and smiled at my response. What do you know? She ended up choosing the very doctor who helped bring her into the world almost 23 years ago. He had come highly recommended, just not by her own mother. Ha ha!
I like that she chose him. I like that he was the one to deliver her and her favorite brother. And I like that he told me he wanted me to be 400% sure before I had my tubes tied. It's probably why she's here today. I just couldn't bring myself to go through with it after Ben was born, but then we didn't have Hannah, and she needed to be here.
Isn't it amazing how that circle of life evolves!
ReplyDeleteI can be quite amazing.
Delete...my wife has 'loved' her doc for 50 years.
DeleteHow fun how that worked out with you and your daughter!
ReplyDeleteWish we still had our original family doctor, who delivered all three of our kids, but alas, he retired a good number of years ago.
She met him the other day and was quite pleased with how he listened to her concerns. Neither one knew at the time that he was likely the very first person (aside from me) to hold her.
I chose Dr B because he was yours at the time... I think. Am I right? Now I no longer go to him because they didn't take our insurance years ago. I don't go to any Drs anymore. That's why I'm so healthy, lol!
ReplyDeleteLast time I tried to make an appointment they didn't take my "insurance" even thought I told them I was self pay. Yes, you're right. I'd forgotten. I suppose somebody did take me up on Dr. B. I'm smiling.
I always liked Dr B. He delivered Steven. I went into labor on their off weekend with Michael, so Dr R from another practice delivered him. He was funny, cracked a lot of jokes.