Sunday, April 22, 2018

The Barn Collective

Old and new.

Unless one is Amish, the barns going up today are cold and made of sheet metal. This is an old barn, a familiar one with a chicken coop around the back under a shed roof.

Across the road is a new barn. On Easter Sunday it  was just a gravel pad. I hear the new structure ran into some turbulent times during a recent windstorm, but that didn't stop construction for long.

Now we have a nice.... barrier? wall?  Well, it ain't pretty and the drainage issues are already wreaking some havoc on the neighbors. (I liked it better when it was old apple trees.)

I think there's a ball game over at Tom's The weather's finally spring-like.


  1. Something there is that loves barns and farm country

  2. ...yep, the weather's finally spring-like! I was in Alfred and Wellsville today and it was almost 60! That's as ugly as a barn can get, but it's BIG. Thanks Martha for stopping by, take care and have a good week spoiling those kids.

    1. Yup, it's ugly alright. I'd rather look at stacks of apple crates, but no one asked me.

  3. A good comparison. The old barns are definitely the best, but so hard to do the upkeep to keep them functioning and tight. So many are being lost! Still, I would rather see an old one than a new. We have a mixture of both in our area, but I'd say mostly new.
