* My pottery class is officially over. Now all I need to do is pick up all the pretties which I will probably do Thursday evening. Otherwise I will need to find someone with a key to let me in the building.

* On Sunday morning I had the privilege of listening to
a guest speaker at a local church. I was inadvertently given the wrong time and showed up a little late for the meeting, but I did get there. At the end of the service Sophia told me that Petra had been talking about me all week and that they missed me. I was blessed by two wonderful hugs. It was my only chance to see them and I'm so glad I did otherwise we'd have all been disappointed.

* My friend Petra found herself a new pet. I think it was a grasshopper nymph... She carried him all around the churchyard and I was reminded of
times past when she adopted other small creatures. She was terribly disappointed when she set him down, turned her back for a minute, and found he had disappeared. Next thing I knew she'd found a new pet, a tiny earthworm. :0)

* Sunday evening found me down at the lake taking pictures. I went from Webster Park to the pier down by the Irondequoit Bay outlet. The bridge is out for the summer and I didn't want to drive all the way around, so I stayed on the Webster side. I was relieved to see there are still a few strips of sandy beaches left even if they are on private property.
* I walked out to the end of the sidewalk to sit on the rocks and watch boats come in and out of the bay and took a picture of this seagull sitting up on the light post. I was just about to step under him when he let loose and decorated the sidewalk. If I were keeping a gratitude journal I'd be thankful for his bad aim.
* The babies at work are coughing and boogery. Some are teething on top of fighting colds and they're all feeling generally miserable. Poor things. Somebody, I don't know who, left a nice booger on my shirt this afternoon. It's a good thing I love them. (The babies, I mean. Not the boogers.)
* Speaking of babies... Our baby buggy lost a wheel a week ago. It fell off in the parking lot and we went without walks for the remainder of the week. Rodney is our new hero. He fixed the broken wheel and we went for a wonderful walk not long afterward. It works better now than it has the entire time I've been walking babies.
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