Sunday, October 16, 2011

The Goose is Getting Fat

Perusing new blog posts today, I came upon a post put up especially for me. (Imagine that.) It was a reminder to remind myself. Christmas will be here in no time at all. Thanks, Joeks!


  1. Good reminder. The Persimons are ripe, so I'll be making Persimon Bread next week to freeze for Thanksgiving and Christmas.

    The cookies look great, and I noticed at the Dollar Store, the cute Christmas towels and potholders are out..I got the snowmen.

  2. It really will be here before we know it! I actually have 4 gifts bought and put away. But some how I still feel a crunch at the end. lol. Maybe I can do better this year!

  3. so delighted to have found your blog. I love the dutch proverbs on the side. You are a bright spot in the blogsphere.

  4. Thanks, Yolanda. Welcome. :)

  5. My kids keep reiminding me how close it is until Christmas.

    Glad to know you are egging me along, too. ;)
