Saturday, October 15, 2011

Happy Birthday, Dave!

The pies look perfect! They smell good too. But I am certain they will not taste nearly as good as we hope. I forgot to add the salt when mixing up the filling. Blah. :(

It is a good thing Leta made pistachio cake and brought ice cream. It is a good thing I saved the pie for the birthday boy instead of serving it up to company. It is probably a good thing I realized before Dave cut into his birthday treat. He's had fair warning. It's too bad one can't salt an already baked pumpkin pie.

I think I'll be cooking up a couple more pies in the very near future.



  1. I have sampled a sliver of pie. It tastes fine. Perhaps it is a very good thing I used canned pumpkin this time around.

  2. Yum. If you had to forget one ingredient, salt would be the first choice. Cinnamon or eggs would have been really bad. lol...

  3. I have forgotten the salt before and found the resulting pie rather bland and tasteless.

  4. Ha Ha I had to chuckle at Betsy's comment.

    If you leave salt and soda out of choc. chip cookies they don't taste the same either. I've done both!!!

  5. Oh I forgot... Love the picture of the pumpkins, and the wonderful snarled tops.

  6. Leaving out cinnamon or eggs could mean I am in serious trouble...
