It's Thursday again and it's been a while since I did a Thursday Thirteen list. I decided I needed some inspiration since I am am the only one I know who plays this little game. I googled Thursday Thirteen, came up with an
official looking site, and visited a few new blogs like
this one.
Anyway, I don't have any big plans for this summer, but I do have a few things I'd like to do...
1. First on my list is to finish the photo album I have started for my Uncle Chuck. Every July 4th he has a family picnic in the park and I thought it would be fun to thank him with an album of memories.

2. I ordered a windmill cookie mold and a sunflower cookie stamp too. I want to try making some fancy cookies. I'm looking forward to their arrival.
3. My flower gardens need some work...
4. I'm hoping to finally catch up with a couple of blog friends. Maybe we'll find each other at the beach this year.
5. There are some big decisions to be made concerning my mom and her living situation.
6. I want to spend some time just relaxing and visiting with my sisters.
7. I plan to have coffee with a friend. (I'm thinking of you, Pam.)

8. We need to find some wonderful places to take a summer hike. The Finger Lakes region is full of great places like
Taughannock Falls.
9. Maybe I'll go antiquing.
10. I have plans to help out at Vacation Bible School, and take Emma along, but I don't know exactly what I'll be doing.
11. Hang laundry outside.
12. Buy some sand for my sandbox and then invite Josh over to play in it.
13. And maybe, just maybe, I'll have a yard sale and get rid of the extra stuff that has been hanging out in my dining room since we cleaned out the bedrooms in February. If not, there's always Goodwill.