Monday, November 09, 2009

November Apples

Practically naked aside from apples, the trees stood waiting silent and still . I began to doubt the pickers would show up to
relieve them of their burden, but yesterday the tractors rumbled in leaving empty wooden crates between the heavy laden trees. This morning the apple pickers arrived and by this afternoon the fruit had been picked, collected in bins and hauled away. The harvest in this particular area is late this year. Last year they picked in early October while there were still leaves on the trees.


  1. I like the picture of the man on the ladder. Do you ever feel like you are spying a little bit when you take pictures of strangers?

  2. :) Sometimes I do, but I so want to capture the moment. I sat on my front step and took this one.

  3. winter apples are the better keepers. somewhere, that long season has a lesson in it, eh?


  4. I thought they were running late from last year. How are yours?
    Did ya make apple sauce or apple butter? :)

  5. Judi, I made one pot of applesauce and we ate it for supper. My jelly cupboard is looking rather depleted. (Though there are some rather nice looking pickles still waiting.)

    Yes, Deb, I think there is a lesson in there somewhere. I have found "Lessons From the Apple Orchard" other years. (Hey, maybe we should write a book...)
