Wednesday, November 04, 2009

The Apple Dance

What is it about babies and apples? Lucas was quite certain this was a very nice ball. He threw it about the kitchen floor until it was nicely bruised. After chasing it around for several minutes, he decided to take a bite and was very pleased with the result. (Note- Apple peels must be removed from child's mouth to prevent choking. For safety's sake, I covered the box of apples with a nice thick blanket.) Sofie was more than happy to consume the discarded apple peels. She likes all kinds of fruits and vegetables, but does not care much for carrots or celery... but I digress. Last fall it was Josh who was into my apple supply. He wasn't much bigger than Lucas but had a lot less hair...


  1. I love the cute little dance! Apples are great and it's fun to watch them be discovered by a little one who once thought it was just a toy. :)

  2. He knows how to tenderize an apple! Smart kid!
