Friday, November 20, 2009

The Little Music Man

Lucas loves music. He likes to listen, he likes to dance, and he likes to make it himself. He finds our piano quite irresistible. Unfortunately Grandpa wanted to eat his lunch without the piano banging in the background. Don't know why...

The weather is becoming more unpredictable. One day it is warm and sunny and the next is rather nasty. It looked like a good day to take a walk but now that the hunters are out I don't want to be traipsing about in the orchard. Bethany and I both needed groceries and, since I had only one little girl today, we decided to take a walk at North Ponds Park. I don't know where that brutal wind came from but I quickly wished I had worn a heavier coat, my warm woolen mittens and a hat. I survived the one mile walk around, climbed back into my van where my ears could thaw out and we headed over to Wegman's. The grocery shopping is done. Hopefully I have all I need for Thanksgiving dinner.


  1. If there is anything you're missing for the dinner, let me know. It WAS chilly today, poor Koty didn't get a walk. Maybe we'll go on the treadmill tonight after we see Tricia Yoder's play in Ontario.

  2. what are we having for dinner?

  3. I always encouraged the children to play the higher notes. They seemed more tolerable to listen to.

  4. I have to agree, Priscilla. He had already worked his way down the scale by the time I got the camera.
