Moving others is always an encouragement to clean out my own "stash of trash" so I have been sorting through old papers and finding things to get rid of. The computer room is looking pretty good right now and I'm happy to report that all the dust bunnies have been chased out of the room. I've sent out an email of "used school books" and hope to trim the collection a bit more before trashing the remainder of the lot. Maybe one day I'll actually find the time to clean out my closet...
Monday, March 30, 2009
Get Moving
Moving others is always an encouragement to clean out my own "stash of trash" so I have been sorting through old papers and finding things to get rid of. The computer room is looking pretty good right now and I'm happy to report that all the dust bunnies have been chased out of the room. I've sent out an email of "used school books" and hope to trim the collection a bit more before trashing the remainder of the lot. Maybe one day I'll actually find the time to clean out my closet...
Friday, March 27, 2009
Patience and Flexibility
So today the sun shines and, while I would have preferred to go off galavanting, I am here at home where God wants me to be. Why He wants me here I do not know, but I do know He wants me to accept what I have and be content. Ben and Hannah are out raking the yard and am about to continue the quest to clear out the dust bunnies that have multiplied under and behind the furniture during the winter. All this has absolutely nothing to do with the photo unless you stop to consider that not all of life is "smooth sailing". Storms and trials are a must if I am to become more like Jesus. Maybe one day I will feel such a calm in the mist of the crashing waves that I too will have the peace to sleep through the storm.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Making a Connection

Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Fuzzy Stuff
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Sweet Forgiveness
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Friday, March 20, 2009
Family Ties

Thursday, March 19, 2009
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Looking for Leprechans
Monday, March 16, 2009
Out and About

Sunday, March 15, 2009
Sunday Scripture
Saturday, March 14, 2009
More Stuff about the Birds
Thursday, March 12, 2009

Both my little grandsons were here today. Pretty special! There are toys scattered around the house, hiding under the furniture, just like the "old days". Troy has gotten out the plastic sailboats in hopes of sailing them on Teal Lake but the wind is a bit too stiff for me this week. Maybe we'll go out sailing next week if we get a warm day.
I need to make a grocery store run again. I've pretty much run out of salad which I am getting slightly tired of. It's been two weeks and I have lost just five pounds. I think the bit of being gluten-free has made the bigger difference in my old jeans fitting. Maybe I can stick with being gluten-free this time. And, I'm not done eating salad either even if I did enjoy two gluten-free waffles this afternoon.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Naughty Dogs and Tossed Salad
Monday, March 09, 2009
The Winter is Past
Sunday, March 08, 2009
A Soggy Weekend
I had an interesting photo opportunity on the way to Mom's, a woman out walking four Dalmations, but I was too chicken to stop and ask if I could take her picture and not determined enough to sneak one. It did make me smile though and maybe one day I'll see her out walking again on a sunny day and feel more brave.
The snow has melted and the water was slowly seeping away. The backyard lake was just a few puddles scattered here and there. I thought the ducks and geese were out of luck if they had picked our backyard as a home, but I was wrong. The rain started falling yesterday afternoon, on into the night and this morning we are once again the not so proud owners of a small lake. As the draining process begins again, the ducks and geese are smiling.
Friday, March 06, 2009
The Fickle Month of March
Chocolate Chip Cookies and Story Books

Thursday, March 05, 2009
Bits and Pieces
Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow

Wednesday, March 04, 2009
A Bad Hair Day
The shop wasn't too busy but the hairdressers weren't in much of a hurry either. By the time I got in the chair it was 11:15. Not too bad, but I am a little indecisive when it comes to what I want done with my hair. We decided on trimming up the layers (what little there were...), taking a little off the length, and cutting my "bangs". We chatted away as she cut. I watched the clock and eventually became a bit concerned at the time. It was apparent the cut would not be done soon enough for me to pick Troy up on time. Since I know the hairdresser from high school we decided that I would take my half-cut hair, run back to town, and retrieve Troy (Hannah went in to get him), and then I would return and have my haircut finished. Of course, by the time we returned Lucas had decided he was hungry, so I made him a bottle, and Hannah took Troy into the grocery store to find him a yogurt and some pretzels.
Monday, March 02, 2009
The Bad Biting Birds
Yesterday afternoon was cold and brisk, but the sun was shining, so we decided to go for a ride along the lake. I stuffed the last few slices from a loaf of bread into my coat pocket, just in case we should happen upon any hungry birds. James had not been down to feed the birds at the bay, so we decided it was a good place to stop. The wind was bitter and the birds were biting. The swans fascinate me, even if they are intimidating. There is something exciting about the threatening way they look me in the eye, as if they are about to attack. They are the least intimidated of all the water foul at the bay and think nothing of walking right up next to us. I wounder how swan tastes?
Rather than heading back toward home we drove further along the lake toward Charlotte (pronounced Shar-lot) and the "Port of Rochester". I am looking forward to returning to these places when the weather warms up in a few weeks. By April we'll have to take the long way around as the bridge at the bay outlet will be removed for the summer. Maybe one day we'll take a tour of the Charlotte Lighthouse. That's it in yesterday's photo.