Saturday, May 31, 2008
Are You Mocking Me?
Friday, May 30, 2008
Another Birthday Greeting!
Try as I might, I could not find the photograph I wanted for this post. Somewhere in the crevices and corners of my closets and storage bins I have more pictures. They will show up when I least expect them to.
Today is the birthday of my husband's second oldest sister, Lee Ann. She is the sister in law I know the least as we have not spent too much time together. We saw each a few times when I lived in New Mexico in 1981, she was at our 2002 family Christmas in Colorado, and flew to New Mexico with us for her sister Kathy's wedding in 2006. She lives in Nova Scotia where she can fish to her heart's content and enjoy the ocean waves. She is good at fixing things like broken VCRs and toasters. She enjoys photography, loves animals, and likes to make people smile. And, she likes to laugh. Her laugh is contagious so when she laughs everyone around her does too. Happy Birthday, Lee Ann! I hope you have a good one!
Thursday, May 29, 2008
It's Still Thursday...
Thirteen things I did today...
1. I baked the Amish Friendship Bread my dear Leta gave me on Memorial Day.
2. I folded laundry.
3. I rearranged and cleaned the living room.
4. I cleaned the kitchen.
5. We met Bethany at the park for a picnic lunch.
6. I held Sofie still while Bethany cut her hair.
7. I wrote a blog (or two).
8. I spray painted my milk can.
9. I read my Bible and took a short nap on the back porch.
10. Hannah and I tried to water the vegetable garden. (The hose doesn't work so we had to carry the water...)
11. I planted some flowers.
12. I pulled some weeds.
13. I found some school books for next year.
Phew! I'm tired just thinking about it! Ben and Hannah were sure today was a good day to go shopping (They say they have money...) but I feel much better knowing we accomplished something around the house. James and Nathan drove down near NY City today to deliver and help install a job. They will be back late tonight. Maybe tomorrow we'll venture out, maybe...
Today is Thursday
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
A Little Picnic
Monday, May 26, 2008
Happy 70th Birthday, Grandpa Jim!

Happy Birthday, Grandpa! Thank you for your name, for sharing it with my husband and son. Thank you for your love of cars passed on to several of my boys. Thank you for the cholesteatoma which showed up in Bethany's ear giving her a special connection to you. Thank you for the cleft chin that I see on my beautiful daughter, Hannah. Thank you for the emails we have shared and the visits we have enjoyed. Thank you for your parents who were praying for their grandchildren. Their prayers are still being answered.
I pray you have wonderful birthday. I wish we could all be there to help you celebrate!
Love, Martha
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Josh In the Box
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Berry Bells
Friday, May 23, 2008
Red, Red Robins (and a snapping turtle too!)
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Cinderella Dance
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Cookies in a Flash!
"Cake mix + 2 eggs + 1/2 cup of oil = Cookies!!
Mix, bake at 350 degrees .
Any cake mix. Add nuts, chocolate chips, or what ever and ta-da!!"
Today I used a German chocolate cake mix and some leftover almond slices. They're baking as we speak. Mmmmmm! I'll let you know if they were a success.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Ready, Willing and Able (he's the horse)
Goats, which are half the size of horses, are not quite as intimidating... unless one decides to charge like our friend Katie's sheep sometimes do. Actually, Shelly's little dogs can be intimidating also. All they need do is snarl and snap their little jaws. I guess it is not so much the size that bids me be cautious as my unfamiliarity with the animal.
Bethany says Hannah has stolen her dream. Poor Beth, maybe someday she will learn to ride too.
Monday, May 19, 2008
Leading the Blind
This is Beau. He is about the same age as Sofie but much better behaved. Beau is in training. If all goes well, he will one day be a Guide Dog for the Blind. Right now Beau lives with some of my good friends and he will stay with them until he is about 18 months old. The R's are helping with the initial stage of Beau's training process. When that is complete he will move on to a higher stage of training. Beau goes every where with the R's, except church 'cause the pastor said no. He goes to the horse barn several times a week and I saw him up at the Apple Blossom parade too. When went on our Maple Syrup field trip, Beau was there. It is important for him to be exposed to as many different social experiences as possible and also to learn specific commands. When he needs to go potty he rings a bell by the door. I have noticed he gets lots of treats for good behavior. (I bet he doesn't poop on the floor like Sofie.)
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Apple Blossom Parade
Friday, May 16, 2008
A Penny Saved
Thursday, May 15, 2008
This Place is For the Birds
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Good Beehaviour
James and they kids have been busy too. they have been stacking firewood and cleaning up all the debris that has collected in our yard. Waste lumber, tree bark, sticks, branches,... they all need to be picked up and thrown into the burn pile. Its looking better out there already. Once the grass is cleaned up the boys will have a much easier time mowing. We are also thinking about our vegetable garden which needs to go in soon. I can't wait to pick a nice juicey tomato or a fresh cucumber!
I'm feeling sleepy again this afternoon. It has been a quiet and relaxed kind of day so far. Monday was my wild day this week. I took Nate up to Rochester for his immunization appointment so he can travel to El Salvadore this summer, picked up Troy from school, retrieved Hannah and her friend from horseback riding lessons, and went to a VBS meeting after supper. It's nice to sit here in the quiet and listen to the birds outside while Troy takes his nap. Maybe I'll close my eyes for a few minutes too.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Happy Birthday, Sister!

Monday, May 12, 2008
Stuck in the Middle
Joe is really smack-dab in the middle. Two older brothers and an older sister, two younger brothers and a younger sister, and seven years on each end. (I'm not quite sure how we did that!)

Sunday, May 11, 2008
100 Days for Mothers
The sun shone bright this morning, warming up the day before slowly disappearing behind a cover of clouds. This was my first Mother's Day as a "grandma", a strange yet wondeful sounding title, and I'm looking forward to many more. I intend to love having grandchildren!
I hope all you moms and grandmas had an absolutely splendid day!
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Now I'm Thinking
Friday, May 09, 2008
Walk On
Thursday, May 08, 2008
A Walk About Town
Problem Solving
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
Feeling Better
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
Allergy Season
Monday, May 05, 2008
Right now you are likely wondering how I got off on this subject and what it has to do with the flowery picture posted here... This is a flowering quince (at least I'm pretty sure it is). Maybe you are familiar with "The Owl and the Pussycat". They're the couple who ran of to sea in a beautiful pea-green boat, got their wedding ring from a Piggy-wig's snout and "dined on mince and slices of quince". See? I really do have a road I am following and I rather enjoy the walk. (I know, Judi. You're praying for me!) Oh, and the title? That is my email address.
Saturday, May 03, 2008
The Weekend
This afternoon we went to a "servant's picnic" with our church. Uncle Ralph came a cooked up a wonderfully, delicious "Steakout" dinner. I never eat steak so it was a great treat. Very yummy! The weather was pleasant but slightly windy so it was nice to have a building to eat in. Hannah missed the dinner due to horseback riding lessons but we were able to pack one up for her to enjoy later. There were lots of leftovers, in fact we brought home an untouched pan of seasoned mashed potatoes. I wish I had a picture of Pastor Ray standing on a chair to say the blessing, but I left my camera home.
I got my shopping done this evening, Payless Shoes (for the kids this time), Walmart, Aldi, BJ's, and Wegman's, and made it home just before the rain started falling with a vengeance. I raced those black clouds all the way and had some much appreciated help bringing all the bags into the house.