Thursday, May 29, 2008

It's Still Thursday...

I feel a sense of accomplishment today. It is a good feeling. The weather was warm today and the sun was shining, a good combination.

Thirteen things I did today...
1. I baked the Amish Friendship Bread my dear Leta gave me on Memorial Day.
2. I folded laundry.
3. I rearranged and cleaned the living room.
4. I cleaned the kitchen.
5. We met Bethany at the park for a picnic lunch.
6. I held Sofie still while Bethany cut her hair.
7. I wrote a blog (or two).
8. I spray painted my milk can.
9. I read my Bible and took a short nap on the back porch.
10. Hannah and I tried to water the vegetable garden. (The hose doesn't work so we had to carry the water...)
11. I planted some flowers.
12. I pulled some weeds.
13. I found some school books for next year.

Phew! I'm tired just thinking about it! Ben and Hannah were sure today was a good day to go shopping (They say they have money...) but I feel much better knowing we accomplished something around the house. James and Nathan drove down near NY City today to deliver and help install a job. They will be back late tonight. Maybe tomorrow we'll venture out, maybe...


  1. Good for you. I'll be right over for a piece of the Amish bread.

  2. What a day ~~~ You really accomplished a lot ~~ we worked in the garage and back yard today!! Hot and sweaty, but a good feeling when the works done.

    BTW - I love that bread - We call it Friendship Bread.

  3. I am pooped just reading this! Bet you sleep well tonight, Are the peepers out? I missed the ice tea break, I was at Wal-mart getting the last few things before we leave in the morning, Will be quite an adventure. Will have lots to post, maybe I better keep a journal. Hugs and prayers, Judi

  4. Martha, you got so much accomplished yesterday!

  5. And I thought you were going on a blog break...
