Friday, May 02, 2008


I grew up not far from where I now live. Most of my immediate family lives nearby, but I have another family, one that is spread across the United States and Canada, sometimes even reaching across the ocean to Thailand. Once they were my husband's family, but now they are mine too.


  1. And we miss you bunches!!!

  2. Well this is a nice family portrait. Nice post.

    And I really don't know about deer eating daffodils or not. They won't eat anything that is poison to their system. I don't know how they know but they do.

    Thanks for thinking of me.

  3. I love having my in-laws only four minutes away. Family is so important.

  4. I kept my in-laws even after I divorced my husband.

  5. What a lovely Family Portrait ~~ Nothing quite like family. I love living across from my husband's Aunt Trula ~~ Family is it!!
