Saturday, October 18, 2014

Family Ties

We took Josiah out to meet his new nephew this afternoon. I'm always blessed to watch my boys hold these brand new family members with "relative" ease.

What a bunch of goofball kids I have! Maybe I did something right after all, and then again, maybe they just take after the other family goofballs. There are plenty to choose from, on all sides.


  1. There's no doubt there is Teal in them...I can't imagine what sort of crazy would go on if we were all under the same roof again. It's just a good thing that your kids get along so well.
    Love you and your weirdos!

    1. Ha ha! I can't either, but I'm sure it would be a riot! There's a bit of crazy in my family too, but you probably couldn't tell by looking at me.

  2. I think the Teals and the Slaven's would have a blast putting the two families together.
    Love those faces. Did we do a crazy face when you were here??

    1. Um... yes. We did do a crazy face, "for Bethany".
      How fun it would be to get the Teals and Slavens together!

  3. So fun....take away the autism and this is how I imagined my kids to be like. :)

    Love the photo bomb...

    1. The photo bomber was really the focus. These guys are too funny. Yes, I'd imagine your would be this way too. One day, when all is made right once again, they will be.
