Monday, July 31, 2006

Feeling Sluggish

Today I am feeling like a slug. What kind of animal are you?


  1. Hmmm...I'd say I'm a busy bee today. Whenever I have to work and it's been as busy as it was today, I feel like it was a very productive day.

    I drink a cup of coffee when I feel like a slug, and that makes me feel like a....unslug.

  2. I'd have to say that I feel like a sloth today...been moving but not getting anywhere fast...just basically hanging out in my home tree (which would be my office chair) and wishing the hours would move faster so that I could go home.

    I hope you don't mind my chiming in but I've enjoyed browsing you blog over the past few days. Your blueberries look devine...sure wish I was close enough that I could get some.

  3. I'm glad to have you chime in, Vicky. Maybe I'll visit your blog too.

    The blueberries are very yummy but it's just way too hot to be out picking them today!

  4. I feel like something hot and sticky and gross...but I can't think of an animal. Too hot to have coffee...but caffiene might help.
