Wednesday, July 12, 2006

It's Raining, Cats and Dogs!

This is a soggy day. The good news is that I won't have to water my garden. The bad news is I left my van windows open last night. Right now it is pouring! Good weather for curling up with a good book or video. Since we can't watch a video maybe a book will have to do.

I am looking forward to some beautiful weather this weekend. My two nieces and my nephew will be staying here for the weekend while their mom and dad are out of town at a fancy wedding. Maybe we'll go swimming at Aunt Rachel's house one day and on Sunday there is a church picnic down at the park with a baptism in the lake. Monday starts vacation Bible school and then our visit will be over. I think there will be plenty to keep everyone busy, I just hope they all get enough sleep.


  1. They are all looking forward to it. Alicia keeps asking me when she is going to Aunt Martha's house.

    It is very soggy today.
