Monday, January 13, 2025

Walls and Fortresses

Fear and shame are crippling childhood emotions that often keep us trapped long into adulthood. It can take a lifetime to lay them aside and find healing...

I tried to write about it, but the words are still locked inside. I don't know exactly where the fear and shame came from, but suspect there were multiple cooperating forces, along with a predisposition to being timid... But I do know that the last ten years have stripped away many of the walls I'd built throughout my first 50 years. I'm still the same person I was before, except there are far fewer walls and I can breathe.


This past Friday my sweet, forever friend Cindy passed into the world beyond. One of those rare and extremely special friends who I didn't have to see often yet was a part of my heart and soul. One day in 2007 we met up for lunch at Panera Bread and sat for four hours! We ate a lunch, talked and laughed, nibbled some cookies, and then some more cookies (her idea), and caught up on so many lost years... It was like we'd never been apart... and now she's gone. Brave, beautiful Cindy... Cancer takes the best of us. I'll find you on the other side and we can sit for hours and hours again...


  1. ...we have a dear friend who is 100 years old. As she loses friends, continues to make new and younger ones. She understands how life works.

  2. Oh Martha, I'm so sorry for the loss of your special friend. Cancer is horrible.
    I'm glad that you are working through some of life's issues and know there will be breakthroughs coming little by little.

    1. We always wish we'd spent more time, don't we? I will treasure the few hour I had one Thursday evening this past summer when I'd gone to her house, left my shoes outside the door in her garage and walked up the steps to her bedroom where I climbed onto the bed next to her and we watched the summer Olympics. Such a sweet moment...
      Life's issues have a way of working out. I only wish I'd known how to break down those walls 30 years ago. It would have been so much better for my kids. Instead they are learning to break through walls of their own and I am here to cheer them on.

  3. Friendships like those are few and far between and priceless. From you comments, I would have to believe that that she is enjoying the pleasure of heaven. Passed to the world beyond is a interesting way of saying it. Every family has walls, and we are breaking down a few too. Love and Hugs

    1. She was a rare and precious jewel, and often talked about our faith and knew where she was going. I'd like to think she found some special people waiting for her there; the child she lost many years ago, her biological father and uncle... She will be loved forever and always.

      I'm glad to hear there are wall being broken down for you as well. They're often so thick and seemingly impenetrable.
