Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Bits and Pieces

A myriad of thoughts dance haphazardly through my mind, stumbling, sprawling, colliding, unready (or perhaps unable) to gather into one coherent string of words... 

*A week ago I assembled a small puzzle of our family. It was given to me as a Christmas gift in 2016 by my former daughter in law. All seven of my children, five of their spouses, and eight grandchildren arranged in tight group before Barn 3 back on the farm in Williamson on July 4, 2016. Smiling faces, unaware of (or hiding) the invisible, widening fissures in our family. It was to be our last all together, summer gathering with any semblance of normalcy, no matter how hollow it was for some of us. There would be a tense and nervous Christmas gathering to follow. By the holidays I was breaking into a million pieces while my unknowing children, full of questions, looked on not knowing "what was wrong with Mom." They could only guess... 

* It's January and our work hours have been reduced. It's evidently common for Dunkin to be "slow" this time of year although we still have bouts of utter insanity... I was hired verbally as full time, but the app that details our paychecks lists me as "part time," giving the powers that be the freedom to slash hours without repercussion. My hours have been reduced to 30 from the previous 37 1/2 per week. I have been assured, "It'll pick back up again in February," but the looming tariffs threatened by our current administration would most definitely affect our supply of coffee. Coffee doesn't grow here in the United States... I'm not staying awake thinking about it, but it is there in the back of my mind. I already spent most of the money I'd saved up last summer to fix the brakes on my car. If hours don't pick back up again, I don't know how I'll pay my income taxes...

* I've been in contact with an old friend. Here and there a message. I missed a phone call yesterday because I wasn't at home and therefore away from the WiFi necessary for the app to work. Well, that's disappointing. We have so much to catch up on too.

* We are in the deep freeze, along with the rest of the eastern US. It's nothing out of the ordinary here. Par for the course. Single digit temperatures with frigid wind chills are a normal part of winter. We pile more blankets on the bed, stay inside more (maybe), and drink hot beverages. (Actually, we're still selling a ton of iced and frozen coffees, iced teas, and other iced drinks.) It's the season of soups and stews, and soon 30 degrees will feel like a heat wave. (A picture from yesterday's outdoor adventure, and the reason I missed my friend's phone call...)


  1. ...since I'm not a coffee drinker, I don't understand coffee's appeal. Perhaps the cold weather keep people inside. I hope business picks up.

    1. I hope so too. Wish I knew how to prepare.

  2. Coffee is one of the small pleasures of my life. My friend always gives me a pound of Starbucks Verona Blond Blend, and I add a pad of butter, Italian cream and half/half. Then frath it and start my day!!! I can't imagine how cold it is where you are!!! Sending WARM love and hugs.

    1. I love your coffee. It sounds absolutely wonderful. It was terribly cold this morning at 1 degree F but not as cold as St Paul, Minnesota yesterday morning at -7. Yikes!
      Warm hugs back to you and so much love!

  3. I do love a good cup of coffee. I sure hope your hours pick up again. Try to stay warm and cozy.

    1. Here's hoping! They say things get busy closer to Valentine's Day.
      Staying warm and cozy. I actually love frigid nights under a pile of blankets.

  4. shh, I like Starbucks better...the blonde roast iced Americano with heavy cream, no sweetener. I have not tried an espresso beverage at Dunkin though, so maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised. I usually order this iced, because when I'm out and about, I'm usually a little thirsty, and it sounds more refreshing...that one day when it was like seven degrees though, I went with a hot one. It's a bummer they cut your hours like that, everything is so precise and measured these days...seems like not too long ago, they'd just have you come in and do busy work, or stand around a little. I hope it picks up, and I hope tariffs on coffee doesn't happen, there's so much crazy these days! Hugs to you, Martha.

    1. I think most chain coffee shops are hit or miss. We follow protocol on making drinks but with the turnover of staff, I'm fairly certain not much is exactly the same every time, especially with the amount of add-ons people order. Coworkers have been known to refer to some concoctions as "diabetes in a cup." Funny, not funny.
      Everything is crazy these days, and nothing is certain.
