Saturday, January 25, 2025

Final Goodbyes (or are they?)

It's hard to believe I will never run into her randomly at Wegmans, or turn the corner at the florist gift shop and see her smiling... It's hard to imagine she will never call me out of the blue and say, Hi, Mart! (or Toots, or kiddo...), or that I'll never get another text message... 

She's absolutely right. We almost could have been sisters, with our platinum blond hair and light colored eyes. Her eyes were bluer than mine, her smile brighter. One would have never guessed how much she struggled with rejection. She was beautiful through and through..

The calling hours and service were today. Friend after friend, coworker after coworker, ex husband, son, brother, all testified to her love, both for her friends and family, and her savior. She was one of a kind and our lives are woven together like a tapestry whose threads weave over and around, come together and move apart before coming together and winding around again.  My sweet, sweet Cindy, you will never be forgotten...

"Goodby, my beautiful, sister friend.
Godspeed and I'll meet you on the portal's other side.
Thank you for loving me.
I love you the mostest too."


  1. What a beautiful tribute to a beautiful woman and lifelong friend. You are both beautiful.

    1. Today is raw and my soul is teary. Even though I knew for months that this was on the horizon (what friend calls all who know and love her to tell them she has only months to live?) I still wasn't ready...

  2. Martha, it's so sad. She could have been your sister, you look so alike. I lost a sweet friend last night, she only knew of her cancer since October. I knew her for three years or so, but oh my goodness, what a good friend she was. Hugs to you. So sorry.

    1. Hugs to you as well, my friend. Cancer is a beast. I am so sorry for your loss. The tears have taken me by surprise and been expected all at the same time.

  3. ...Martha, I'm sorry for your loss.

  4. "I miss you the mostest too", that is so sweet. You two could have been sisters, I agree. I call my friends sisters in Christ. Such sadness for you at this time.

    1. It's made me very sad. She was quite special.
