It's been a "God Week" in so many ways and I need to collect those bits and pieces before I forget and they are lost to the sands of time.

* I was alone on Sunday afternoon and took a ride to Williamson in search of elderberries. I have a friend looking to make a pie and thought maybe I could help. I know where some trees grow, but the people I knew no longer live there. Suffice it to say I did not find any, but I did throw up an out loud prayer. "
Lord, can you help me find some elderberries?" I did this once before, years ago with raspberries. That time God smiled and gave me
blackberries instead, all along the back corner of our property. I'd never known they were there. This time he answered too, through an online friend who told me her mother has some. They will be ripe in about two weeks.

* Tuesday evening, while Hannah was gone to work, I took a ride to Webster Park and walked along the shore of Lake Ontario. I sat on a log, looked through the pebbles along the beach, and made a small figure. My "S
tone Age Boyfriend." He's a rocker, can you tell? As I stood back to take in the sunset, I heard a voice call my name (again, like on Saturday). There was my Divorce Care group friend Heather coming toward me. (She has been such a special gift.) We shared a hug (Yes, even in the midst of "
the sickness" we need to the love and affection of friends.) and I was reminded again just how much my Father in heaven loves and cares for me.

* It was Thursday when I responded to a Facebook post and received a reply in the form of a private message from one of my coworkers who hasn't yet returned to work. We find ourselves on opposite sides of an issue yet were able to have a careful, loving conversation while taking a closer look at the other perspective. Neither one of us went away feeling hurt, invalidated, or rejected by the exchange, but quite the opposite. I listened and heard her perspective and found I could respect what she was feeling, and I felt heard and appreciated for mine. Listening with love is so important. (That is not us, just two friends on the shore.)
* I overslept Thursday morning and had 15 minutes to get ready for work. Ha ha! I skipped the shower and pulled my hair into a ponytail, washed my face, and made my coffee before heading out the door.

* Several times this week I've heard God's prompting to begin to put my story on paper. It is a story that needs to be shared in the proper circumstances, yet a story hard to pen. I believe God intends to redeem the broken pieces of our lives in beautiful ways. In my own times of deep despair, I longed for someone who understood the brokenness of my heart and, in His time God provided that friend. It is time for me too to be that friend to another broken mom and the only way she will find me is if I share. Please pray for me in this area as I need to be wise in the process, and thank you so much for your prayers.

* In times of great blessing, come times of defeat as well. An incident this morning has left me slightly off emotionally and the weekend has just begun. I've learned enough in the past five years to help me move beyond but not one of us has perfected this thing we call relationship and I know I have work to do too.