Is it possible to love and see oneself as God sees? Could I ever become so childlike as to lose focus on my flaws and foibles? Our babies don't worry about such things as chunky thighs and double chins. They aren't embarrassed at crying in public or food on their shirts. They don't look in the mirror and think, "Ugh, I need to lose a few pounds!" They don't find fault with bulging backsides, bald noggins, or toothless grins... But us (me)? I look in the mirror and see all the imperfections that others rarely notice. I see the crooked smile, the pudgy nose, and puffy eyes. I cringe at the protruding belly and varicose veins... and I forget that God looks down and see me as His beloved child. He loves me right where I am, just how I am. Lord, help me to love me too.

It's been a long few years of growing. I can say that I am more comfortable in my own skin than I have been in a very long time. I see the imperfections, but they don't consume my thoughts. I'm learning to take better care of myself, to cut myself some slack, and realize that I am who God created me to be. I'm not perfect because He creates us perfectly imperfect. And that is perfectly okay! Ha ha!
I think everyone struggles with self image, even those who appear over confident. That doesn't make it right, however. I'm glad God's working on that with you, and you're learning to love yourself. I love you.
ReplyDeleteI love you too.
I have learned over the years that God wants me as I am. He doesn't see all the imperfections of the body and is only concerned with the imperfections of the soul.
ReplyDeleteSeems like there are an awful lot of women not loving themselves in a healthy way. I am trying to do better (but tonight I am feeling a wee bit chunky... ha ha!)
Delete...I hope so.
ReplyDeleteMe too.