Sunday, July 22, 2018

The Barn Collective

Am I too late?

My sister and I took our big brother for a ride through the countryside this afternoon. Pesky little sister that I am, I had my camera along.

Dog in the road. We had to turn around to catch his picture, and by then he'd turned around and headed the opposite direction himself. He thought we were a little loopy, I think. Ha ha!

We have to take a group photo every so often.

Hurry over to Tom's or you'll be late for supper!


  1. ...Alloway Mills barn, I'm not sure that I've seen it. I've seen the couple of cobblestones. Actually we have haven't eaten get! Thanks Martha, I hope that we get some more rain. 🌈

  2. I like the third barn best!
    Family get-togethers are always fun!
    Have a great week!

  3. Beautiful photos of your drive! And what a sweet family shot. LOVE that barn!

  4. That dog wondered what we were up to, lol!

    Love that last pic, but I wish Priscilla was in it too. :\
