Every four to five weeks I am assaulted by a vicious headache. The latest arrived late Friday night while I was out at a concert with my friend Cindy. Perhaps the poutine, nachos, and dipping pretzels post concert contributed, I'm not sure. I know they didn't contribute to a restful night, but they were yummy, even if it did feel like I'd eaten rocks.
I took that headache to work this weekend and was thankful for an easy job. I popped ibuprofen at regular intervals and attempted to relax my knotted muscles. Last night I left work with aching eyes, tense muscles, and a throbbing head. On my way home I stopped at Wegmans for "
supplies," not because I wanted to, but because my "
girl cupboard" upstairs was completely bare and I can't have that.

I gathered my things, took them to the register, and checked out. As I headed out the door to my vehicle, two cars were crossing in front of the store. The first stopped at the stop sign and then continued on. The second, which should have stopped also, appeared like it would not. It was my turn to cross. I weighed my options and decided to keep walking. (Please understand that although these headaches can make me feel like I am
going to die, I had no wish to. I would not have actually walked in front of the vehicle...) The driver hit the brake last minute and came to a jolting stop. I momentarily wondered if I he was swearing at me, but I was tired and took little thought. By the time I got into my van, I'd all but forgotten my brush with death.
I did not open my computer last night. When I arrived home I took a decongestant and a Benadryl, found my jammies and my pillow, and laid down on the couch. It wasn't until I opened my computer this morning that I found this message from my favorite friend Deb...
"so hey... sorry for almost nailing you in the crosswalk at wegmanssss"

Now, mind you, I don't typically play chicken with moving cars. I don't want to die, even if my headache is making it sound like a viable option, but hey, if I am going to get run over, it may as well be by friends... right?
Deb went on to explain what I had missed just moments before exiting the store. "the suburban in front of us had literally a chinese fire drill with people spilling out 3 sets of doors. they stopped to leak people twice. dave's not patient at all. so while i was still laughing, he almost flattened you... you would have loved it. one girl had frosty pale orange velvet leggings and another had a blue super hero cape"
It's all too funny this morning, even if I am still fighting that headache. And Dave, he's the one always telling us not to get arrested on our adventures.
(Too bad I have no photos. Chickens will have to suffice.)