"Oh My!!! What did you do?"
Why I grabbed my camera, of course!
"Good answer! But....then what?"
It was about midnight when, over the hum of the air conditioner, and through the closed door, I started hearing noises downstairs. They didn't sound like noises The Naughties would make, and James was snoring, so I got up and peered downstairs into the darkness. I heard something shuffling around down there, so I put on my Big Girl Pants and sneaked down the stairs.

Slightly groggy from being stirred from his sleep, my brave assistant crept into the dark, and now scary, room and turned on the light while I watched from the shadows. My brother's old double barrel shotgun, propped in the corner, fell over making a terrible clatter on the floor. Neither the intruder nor my helper were shaken, and no crazed animal bolted for the door.. "It's a raccoon," James said and he picked up my sign that says, "As for me and my house we will serve the Lord" He held it like a weapon/shield and told the furry, masked animal to get down. That is when I went for my camera.
Our minds were spinning. We have trapped tiny rodents, caught birds in our hands, and knocked bats out of the air, but this guy was a little too big (and possibly vicious) for those actions. We decided to open the door and see if he would comply and leave of his own accord. Mom's room has two doors. We opened the door from Mom's room to the computer room, and then one from the computer room to the front steps. Then I closed the one from the computer room to the living room. James stepped out of Mom's room through the other door and I peeked through the crack to see what would transpire.
"Yikes! Then what?"
And then, after looking around a bit, the masked intruder very quietly got down from the buffet, waddled through the door to the computer room, out the front door, and back into the darkness.
My rescuer and I went into the kitchen to find the masked bandit had knocked a few things over; a container full of kitchen tools, a teapot full of Jade plant (into the sink)... He had licked clean the spatula and knife from the peach pie and dropped the knife on the floor. (The noises I'd heard from upstairs.)
Good thing I'd covered the pie with a giant Tupperware bowl or he'd have likely had a feast and been back tonight for seconds.
And then we went back upstairs and tried to go to sleep. Ha ha!
"How did he get in?"
The only way would have been the cat door.
"Yikes! Good thing you had your "helper"...I would not have liked to go through that alone"
I went to bed wondering how I could have done it alone, and decided probably just the same way, except perhaps without pictures and with much more fear and excitement.
an adventure!
ReplyDeleteIt sure was. Going back to sleep afterward was not easy.
DeleteDoes James make house calls?
ReplyDeleteDo you have a raccoon in your living room.
Wow-that definitely tops the frog we had on our living room wall a few nights ago! I also had to wake my husband to "rescue" me--I'll be sure to let him know how easy he had it! : )
ReplyDeleteHad it been a frog, even a frog climbing up my wall, I'd have not bothered to get out of bed! How did a frog get in your house?
I wonder if now he knows how to get in if he will be back!!! Back for some pie!! YIKES!!!! With his friends!!!
ReplyDeleteMarilyn from Canada
We are keeping the cat door locked at night. I really do not want a dog right now.
DeleteOnly you Martha....only you!
ReplyDeleteI would have freaked out!
Did he leave anything behind?
Nice pie...
Linda :o)
I considered freaking out, but only for a moment. All those years of Dad taking us camping must have paid off.
DeleteHe left a strange odor which was quickly evacuated.
Great story and pictures!
ReplyDeleteThanks, Gudl. It was quite an interesting experience. He was cute, but I really don't want him inside my house.
So cute.. I know this was a raccoon but the next time you come across a bat you may think twice about swatting it. Especially all the mosquito's and other pest they eat. Try Batcon.org
Yes, Sophia, we did feel bad about the bat. We didn't mean to hit him (it was a highchair tray), only keep him on one side of the room while we figured out how to catch him safely. Maybe I need to invest in a butterfly net...