I am equally amused at and frightened by children. I love their silly ways and childish antics, appreciate their zest for life and sense of adventure, and am terrified at what kind of trouble they might conjure up while we aren't looking.
Yesterday afternoon these five kept me looking out the window to see where they were and what they were getting into. They'd found a sleepy toad and made him a home in an old flower pot and then put it inside the wash pot. They even made him a "bed" of cattail fluff. He probably wished he'd stayed in hibernation.

Poor Spencer is too little to go outside and run with the cousins. He had to settle for looking out the window and waiting for his mom and dad to go for a walk after dinner. He didn't seem to mind too very much.

I was naughty at dinner and played with my food. But I couldn't help it. The opportunity was too great to pass up. I mean, how often do we have mashed sweet potatoes? They made perfect hair for the cute little plate I bought at the thrift shop a couple months ago. (I have both the boy and girl faces.) My husband looked more embarrassed than amused which made it all the funnier. I was surrounded by family and I think most of them love me in spite of my regression back into childhood.

The bald princess came to play and kept us entertained with her smiles. I don't see enough of this little granddaughter but am happy to see she loves the little dolly I got for her back at her mommy's baby shower a little less than a year ago. I didn't even get to hold her. Either I was busy or she was enjoying the company of her aunts and uncles, or Grandpa. Ah, maybe I shall snatch her up before anyone else next time.
Apparently Easter clothes are overrated. The weather was warm enough that the boys threw clothing to the wind while running about the yard. They confiscated an empty tub by the back porch, discovered Grandpa's garden dirt pile, hoisted a white, Sunday shirt flag, and declared the newly discovered territory their own. It all looked like wonderful fun.
Now that the sun is shining, I guess I should go out, reclaim, and put away the casualties.