Almost twenty years ago both of my sisters and I had new babies. Allen (wearing the hat) arrived in early March, Michael (with the hair) in mid-April, and Hannah (She's bald...) made her appearance a little more than halfway through July. My parents gained two grandsons and a second granddaughter. (It only took them just under ten years to acquire granddaughter number two. It's taking us four...)
Mom and Dad always hosted holiday picnics when the weather was warm; Memorial Day, July 4th, and Labor Day. Everyone looked forward to family gatherings in Grandma and Grandpa's back yard. In September of 1995 we decided to take what we though might be annual photos of our newest family members.
I'm not sure what became of our plan. Maybe we couldn't get them to be still, or maybe we ended up in different places on those long weekends. Perhaps it was because I hadn't yet discovered the beauty of digital photography. Whatever the reason, I did manage to capture the three at one year old. I have pictures of both the boys "driving" the car, and several of Hannah using it for a house. She even climbed through the back window.
I never even thought of getting a picture on Saturday, but before heading out Hannah asked if I would take their picture. They couldn't remember the exact order of the infant photo, but I kind of like the variety in this collection. They're all grown up now. Well, mostly... and I love this newest picture of them. I can't believe how great they all turned out to be and I'm proud of every one.
Lydster: go to the South African consulate
3 hours ago