1. Feeding Mom regular meals may prove challenging, but sneaking butter into sandwiches and scrambled eggs is pretty simple.
2. After listening to one of the women at Ladies' Prayer on Tuesday, I decided that for all Mom's paraphernalia (glasses, hearing aides, hospital bed, and oxygen concentrator), I can be thankful she doesn't wear dentures.
3. Alex thinks Grandma makes a good playmate, especially if she will help him put his boots on or read him a story.
4. I am still in love with the morning sunshine that floods my living room around 7:30 am, even if I am fighting to keep my eyes open.

5. A morning shower is preferred over an evening shower.
6. Little things like flowery, old tea cups can bring a smile to my face.
7. It has been a amazingly mild winter, and I am thankful for little to no snow to shovel or traipse through on my way to and from the car. There haven't been too many snowmen hanging around, but that's okay. Maybe we'll find them next year. (Or paint some more fence pieces.)
8. Some- times the picture I take totally by accident turns out to be one of my favorites. (How about those spider webs?)
9. I still love that framed print at the antique store. I still didn't buy it, (I'm not sure where I'd hang it...) but it still makes me happy when I see the photograph. Something about young love, I guess.
10. I am totally thrilled with the long sleeved knit nightgown I got from Land's End this past week. It's a little bigger than I'd anticipated, but oh, so comfy! Being cotton, it did shrink a little when I washed it, so it doesn't feel quite so huge now. Either that or I put on a few pounds overnight.
11. Thirteen thoughts would be nice, but I'm running out of ideas...
12. We ate leftovers from our freezer tonight; spicy green chile stew that Grandmanita made. It sure was good, and it made me miss her all over again.
13. Tomorrow Leta is bringing the kids over for a visit, the first since Christmas. I am so looking forward to wrapping my arms around their little selves, kissing their soft cheeks, and listening to them play. I need to whip up a batch of cookies, I think.