Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time, casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.
1 Peter 5:6-7
1 Peter 5:6-7
We are sorting through belongings, packing boxes, and saying good bye. We are "letting go of things, and holding on to the memories." Actually, we are mostly packing things into boxes to store away, just in case... I find I am also sorting through feelings and emotions, slipping them into folders, and attempting to discard the hurts I find along the way. They litter the trail and block the path. They are obstacles which must be removed, obstacles I find impossible to discard on my own initiative. I need help from someone bigger and wiser than me. Sometimes I remember to cry out to Him, and other times I forget and attempt to make it on my own. I find the latter an exhausting exercise.
I have been slowly reading "Having a Mary Spirit: Allowing God to Change Us From the Inside Out" by Joanna Weaver and am amazed once again how God can address the needs of my heart and spirit from the pages of a book. I would never have picked the book up on my own, it was handed to me by a friend at my Tuesday Ladies' Prayer group. Somehow it made her think of me. I know it was really the Lord whispering in her ear, and I am grateful. One of the parts I loved was where she told of her grandmother's death. After the funeral, her brother, her sister, and herself sat down to talk and the brother apologized to his sisters for being Grandma Nora's favorite. The girls were both astounded as each one was sure that they had been the favored grandchild. Oh, to be the favorite! Or at least feel as if I were. Oh, to have my own children, grandchildren, and "flowers" each feel as though they were my favorite. I pray this is something the Lord can work into my heart and life, to make each person I meet feel so treasured that there is no question as to whether or not I love them.
I believe Troy thinks he is the most special one, I bet everyone of your flowers feel the same, therefore, the same must be true of your family, You always make me feel special. hugs,judi
ReplyDeleteThough we have never met ~~ our hearts have connected, and I feel and know your love.
ReplyDeleteHow much sweeter and deeper is that of those who love and know you personally.
You will get through this journey..Remember all the hurdles in Pilgrims Progress?? But he reached his will you, dear friend.