Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Apple in My Eye

I finally stopped at the farm market this afternoon and bought a bushel of apples; 20 Ounce, Crispins, and Ida Reds. Too bad they're not ripe. Maybe if I keep them in my kitchen they will decide to turn sweet, if they don't I will have to turn them into pie.

This morning we met with our pastor to discuss the memorial service. Tonight my mind and body are tired and don't want to think about it. Too many decisions, too many differences of opinion. I know it will work out, but right now it feels like the day will never come together. I guess this is why families open the microphone to friends and hope they will come up front to say good things. This evening I'm not even sure which songs to sing only that they will be songs Dad left running through our hearts and minds. I know there will be many friends and family members who come to share our sorrow and lift us up in prayer and encouragement. For this I am am very thankful.


  1. Still breathing in and out, I swear to you Martha, it is the only way I made it through my dad's passing. It was all I could do for months, just focus on breathing, everything else was a blur. hugs.

  2. Martha,

    From your posts through all of this, I know you want to honor the Lord and your Dad with the Memorial Service.

    The Lord will be with you and help you through the planning and unite the hearts of your family members, that would please your dad most.

    Will pray. Joy

  3. I'm sorry to hear about your father, that is very sad.

  4. I am also sorry to learn about your father.

  5. Uh oh, too many differing opinions? I thought we were all in agreement yesterday at the meeting (except for the song that dad liked that's really peppy that we weren't sure where to fit in or if it would fit in). The cards should be done today...working on that, and maybe we can work on our boards later. I love you.
