Due to Priscilla's stressful schedule, Rachel and I went out for Sister's Day without her. (Isn't that sad?) It was a nice day and the colors were beautiful. Gmj would be proud, Rachel can drive with camera in hand. Not only is she beautiful, but she is talented too.

We spent some time browsing through antique shops in Bloomfield and then headed for Naples to find some lunch. (That was an interesting experience...) We thought we would eat at Bob and Ruth's. We went in and found a seat. The elderly waitress smiled and said hello. She seemed pleasant enough. Another couple came in, sat down and were given menus. We waited. Soon a group of six came in, sat down, and were given menus. Rachel said to the waitress, "Um, can we get some menus?" "Oh, I'm not your waitress, she is," she replied, pointing across the restaurant. We waited. The other waitress seemed busy. She scurried about and waited on other parties. She never once looked our direction. Rachel was not impressed, she was hungry. She decided we were not going to sit around and wait any longer. We got up, walked out, and no one seemed to care in the least. Down the road we found another place to eat, the Redwood Restaurant. The waitresses were smiling, friendly, and ready to serve us. Much better! We both ordered reuben sandwiches and decided it was the best restaurant in town. The waitresses were quite amused by our story from the "other" place.

After lunch we hiked back into Grimes Glen. We checked for trolls under the bridge and then tramped across. It looked dangerously like a bridge from an Indiana Jones movie but really there were some nice big logs underneath and it was very safe. I jumped up and down just to make sure.

Rachel did not fall over the cliff on the way back to the waterfall and fortunately neither did I. This was the only really treacherous part of the trail, as long as one is wearing spiked shoes, he is perfectly safe. I'm happy to report that neither one of us even got a soaker, though I did try.
After browsing a few more shops and taking in the local scenery, we headed back toward Canandaigua and ended our day out by visiting the Rheinblick. We both enjoyed delicious German dinners with scrumptious red cabbage and spatzle. Too bad we were too full to order dessert. Maybe next time. Thank you, Gudl and Gary, for such a great place to visit.