I took my camera out in the backyard this afternoon looking for something of interest. Most of the flowers are fading, they know that time is short and winter is on its way. When I glanced through my photos this one reminded me of a song a friend used to sing years ago when we were still in high school. She had a beautiful voice and played the piano as she sang. The song touched my heart and resonated in my soul. I was about 16 years old and had my whole life ahead of me. I struggled within myself, knowing that Christ was calling and yet not quite willing to give myself totally to Him. Here it is nearly 30 years later. The years have flown by and nothing seems to slow them down. I thank God He has reached deep into my life and held on to me through the times when I had no strength, that He never gave up on me even when I would have given up, and that He sets me back on my feet when I fall. I praise Him for giving me a fresh start each and every morning. A new opportunity to live my life for Him.
Thank you, Tori, for the song you blessed us with so many years ago. It has returned to my heart many times throughout the years.
Plenty of Time McLean
I got up one Sunday morning, went to church at ten
I listened to the words I'd heard time and time again
The preacher spoke of sinful eyes It seemed he spoke of mine
But I was young I had plenty of time
Plenty of time to decide where I'm bound
To eternal darkness or to a heavenly crown
I'm just a young man Not yet in my prime
So I'll just wait I've got plenty of time
You know as I was traveling down life's highway
Living just the way I wanted to live
I was out to beat the other guy
And to try to get whatever life could give,
Making money isn't sinful
And having fun is not a crime
I thought I'd wait, I had plenty of time .
Before I knew what had happened, life seemed to have passed away
And millions stood before God's throne for it was Judgment Day,
Now eternal darkness blackens and the name he calls is mine,
But I had thought that I had plenty of time.
Eternity waits I've got plenty of time
to think of all the days Christ could have been in mine
My chance is over, Life's days are left behind
And here am I, I've got plenty of time
Now I've got nothing, but plenty of time