Thursday, September 18, 2008

Life in the Orchards

Yesterday morning brought a smile to my face. I stepped out the back door on my way to the barn and was greeted by a song in the air. The Mexican workers are picking apples across the street and listening to their music. This is a part of living in apple country that is familiar only to those who live surrounded by apple trees. For the most part it is enjoyable, but there are days when the beat of the music is far off and the only thing audible is rhythmic thumping. There usually comes a day when I must escape the monotony of the beat, but for now it is still putting a smile on my face and making me wish for apples and a walk down the dirt road.

Rachel drove out yesterday and we went to the little restaurant uptown for lunch. Bethany was working and Josh was with his other grandma so I took advantage of the opportunity. Rachel had a BLT and I ordered the Dutch Lettuce which I have come to enjoy very much. It is somewhat similar to German Potato Salad but has pieces of iceberg lettuce stirred in. On our way out of the restaurant I bought a chunk of fudge. I dropped it into my purse to tie Troy into the car seat and then totally forgot about it. I was supposed to share it with my sister. (Sorry, Rachel, I owe you one.)

Back at my house we decided to take a short walk. At the rock wall we smelled a rather strong "skunky" odor, but didn't happen to see the source. Good thing! I asked Troy to show me how he plugs his nose... Eeeewww! This was not quite what I had anticipated.
Today the temperatures are slightly cooler. The apple harvest continues and every once in a while the sound of music drifts across the trees. We hear the pickers calling back and forth to each other. Sometimes they sing, sometimes they laugh. Sometimes they are share a secret joke that we cannot understand. Without them the farmers would be hard pressed to get the harvest in. Without them the orchards would be strangely silent and lonesome.


  1. I'm not sure why the truck sounds like a jet flying overhead...

  2. Troy is very cute...shhh, don't tell him!

    It was nice to visit yesterday and learn what Dutch lettuce is. That's what I'm ordering next time, it was delicious!

    You don't owe me one for the fudge, I took few bites of Troy's chicken you bought him, remember? ;) But tell me, was it good?

  3. We didn't taste any until tonight. It is very yummy. Maybe I can save you a piece.

  4. The music is loud. I could see why it would get to you after a while.

  5. I love their music... It makes me smile too :)

  6. If all I could hear was the thump of the beat I think I'd go out of my mind. We'll probably head north to the orchards next weekend, if the weather cooperates. I wonder where the migrants go when the harvest is done here?
