Friday, April 11, 2008


Almighty, infinite Father, Faithfully loving Your own
Here in our weakness You find us, Falling before Your throne
Oh, we're falling before Your throne

God is checking my heart again and I'm finding that I still have unforgiveness that needs to be washed away. Hard feelings are just that, hard, and they don't just "go away" without much prayer and giving of myself to the Lord and His will. He has taught me so much and those "yucky" moments have been fewer and farther between. Yucky moments are when He shows me where I am in the wrong and need to change my ideas and attitudes. Sometimes I need to change regardless of the situation, not because I was wrong initially, but because I have let someone else's wrong affect my response. The remedy? A prayer for God's blessing on whoever I don't want to forgive, a prayer of love even when I would prefer not to.


  1. I have many moments like this...Forgiveness isn't forgetting it's a path to understanding.

  2. I know those moments, too!

  3. Arggg. I haven't posted on P.I. all I have felt lately, I have just kept it stuffed. Maybe if I wrote it... Does it help....? I know and talk to God daily, truth.. hourly would be more like it. I will add you to one of my conversations, asking for wisdom.

  4. Send me another invite, Gmj. Mine has expired.
