Monday, April 28, 2008

Raining Supreme

Today it is raining. The sun is up there somewhere, but has not peeked though the clouds even once and I don't expect it will. Its a good day for a duck (or a goose, or a frog,...). Its a good day to stay inside and sort through old papers and junk. I don't feel any anxiety staying inside on a day like this. I can clean, read, take a nap, count my shoes, or watch a movie all without feeling guilty in the least. All without feeling like I might miss the nice weather. I may need several of these days to catch up with the paper trail, so I'll take them as they come. We need the rain and after two weeks of perfectly gorgeous days, we had better not complain. The sun will come out tomorrow... or maybe the next day.


  1. yeah or make carmel corn :)
    Those babies have the cutes butts!

  2. It's supposed to be beautiful by Friday!

  3. Yes, we need the rain!
    Our little forest in EXPLODING in green now! Everything is growing at super speed I mean.

  4. Is Teal lake starting to reappear now?

  5. No, Tracy. Teal Lake has been draining rather well this year.

  6. I like cold rainy days if I can stay in too. I work in a metal building, it sounds cool when the rain hits it.

  7. The sun has come out tomorrow...
