Troy had his first day of preschool this morning. We picked him up at noon. He was wearing his backpack and smiling. He informed me that he did not cry. I guess he's matured since VBS! That's a good thing.
Sara and Alysa didn't get off the bus until nearly 4:30 yesterday. They were a good half hour plus later than normal due to a changed bus route and new kindergarteners. They were smiling too and sporting new backpacks.
I remember the excitement of returning to school too. There were always new bookbags filled with fresh crayons, pencils, erasers, glue, and a package of wide ruled notebook paper. The folders were flat and bright. We had a few new outfits and likely a new pair of sneakers too. The air really did "smell like school" and I always looked forward to seeing my friends again.
what a cool cool bike :-) ! My kids would be thrilled ! Thank you for your comment about the photo of them over at Draw This. I am very very impressed with your self portrait !
ReplyDeleteI would love to come on the field trip, but fear the commute would just be too much for us! Maybe next time...
ReplyDeleteI hope the shower this weekend goes wonderfully. It will be so exciting to see all of the little tiny baby things.
Ooooh, a baby shower, Now I am frustrated I am not there!! I am assuming it is for Beth? Have a great outing and don't get to tired cleaning, allergies etc. No one will be looking for your dirt and dust, they will be more interested in the guest of honor!! Don't cha think? :)
ReplyDeleteCathrine, thank you. Years ago I had more time for things like drawing. I'm hoping to find time again this winter.
ReplyDeleteHeather, maybe I'll have to plan a field trip of some sort in eastern PA. Maybe the Iron Village...
The baby shower, Gmj, is for Beth, and I'm sure the guests will be much more interested in Bethany than the dirt in my house, but I will feel better if it is clean. I wish you all could come... Maybe we should have a "cyber shower"... Hmmm, I'll have to think on that one.
So everyone's into their new routines. My kids seem happy as well.
ReplyDeleteI may come on the field trip to the park, but I'll let you know for sure when it gets closer. :)
I hope Bethany's shower goes well. I agree, it is fun to see all the baby clothes. Much more fun to shop for too. Does she know what she's having?
ReplyDeleteRe: back to school. I remember getting a few new outfits and new sneakers. Although, we never carried book bags. The cool thing to carry was a plastic bag from the County Seat where we'd get our new Levi's. Isn't that silly! In High School it was a duffel bag. I don't think I had a back pack until I went to college in 1985.
I don't know what Mendon Ponds is, but I would love to come. I am glad Troy didn't cry. And a cyber shower sounds interesting.
ReplyDeletecool! My folders are bright too. I think you babysit alot of kids. Don't worry, my mom babysits alot of kids too!
ReplyDeleteI think they were smiling because they were happy to get home.
ReplyDeleteyes school days
ReplyDeletethank for sharing
Ugh! I didn't like it when school started when I was a kid and I still don't like it. *sigh*
ReplyDeleteBut you will have fun with the baby shower! :)
It's so exciting you are at the baby shower point! It won't be long before you are posting photos! Does Bethany have any names picked out that you can tell?
ReplyDeleteIf she does, she isn't telling. We're going to make game out of it. Guess the baby's name!