1. My mind is blank.
2. That is not at all unusual.
3. Once in a while I have truly wonderful idea.
4. I need a haircut.
5. I need more exercise.
6. I'd rather take a nap.
7. I have a habit of laughing at nothing.
8. Its been known to offend people.
9. It isn't meant to.
10. Laughing helps me keep (?) my sanity.
11. I need to hang on to what is left of it.
12. I wear my mother's diamond engagement ring along with my wedding band.
13. I also wear a necklace James gave me for Christmas a few years ago.
14. I like jewelry but own just a few pieces. (And that's okay.)
15. I have three grandcats and one granddog.
16. Today I have four extra children in my house.
17. I will have them again on Tuesday.
18. The house is rather noisy at the moment.
19. Today I took a shower, made my bed, did a load of laundry, rediscovered the kitchen, pulled some weeds, and made some chili for supper.
20. The day isn't near over.
21. I'll be tired tonight!
22. I homeschool Ben and Hannah.
23. I miss my homeshooling friends.
24. I like a clean neat house.
25. Mine is neither clean nor neat.
26. I want to do some painting but need to find the time.
27. I like hot chile peppers.
28. Green chiles are great with eggs and potatoes.
29. I have been to New Mexico three times.
30. Once I stayed 6 months.
31. I have been to Texas three times.
32. Once I stayed 10 days.
33. I have been to Florida 5 or 6 times.
34. Once I stayed in a condo in Sea Grove.
35. This fall I will have a new nephew and a new grandchild.
36. It will be strange to be called "Grandma".
37. Once it was strange to be called "Mom".
38. It was also weird to be "Mrs."
39. I am addicted to sugar.
40. It doesn't make me sweet (too bad!).
41. I don't have a Facebook
42. I tried getting one twice but it didn't work.
43. I guess I don't want one anyway.
44. I'd rather blog.
45. I don't speak a foreign language.
46. I took French in 7th grade.
47. I can count to ten and say "I don't feel like it" in French.
48. I know about the same amount of Spanish.
49. My daughter is learning German, kind of...
50. My shoulder blades are aching.
51. I don't think I like that picture.
Okay, that's all until I get a more interesting life...