Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Bird Brain

Last night I borrowed my mom in law's tripod and tried my hand at "catching" some birds. With the camera steadied I was able to pull of a few decent shots. I can see why some folks enjoy bird watching, they certainly are cheery little creatures. Though I think one could go through a small fortune in no time just buying birdseed. Perhaps I should have stuck to watching barn swallows. They eat flies and aphids, which means I don't need to buy anything, chatter endlessly, and are capable of wonderful aerodynamics. Just the same, the finches are a pretty addition to my backyard collection of feathered friends. I suppose I'll just keep feeding them for now.


  1. Know what you mean! We had to put Bird seed in our budget!!! haha.

    I had the finch socks, but it really wastes seed, so much falls out, but since I got one like yours it stays fuller longer.

    I do love watching our birds.

  2. The feeding stations are full so often that I'm not sure I am going to be able to keep up with them. Do gold finches fly south in the winter? Maybe I need to feed them something beside Niger seed.
