Sunday, March 23, 2025

On Turning 29

I looked so much younger the last time I turned 29. Counting down isn't working quite like it used to...

I picked up a few hours at work yesterday, six actually, to make up for having the day off tomorrow. I was wished a "Happy Birthday" multiple times, and gifted a beautiful orchid and a mylar balloon by our assistant manager. My sister Priscilla came over in the early evening and took me out to dinner., and Hannah and Sergio served up a delicious Tuxedo Cake for dessert. It was a very nice day.

Late this morning I took the boys out to Tops in Ontario, NY to see the Weinermobile. It was a fun experience, and hopefully memorable. This afternoon my kids and grandkids came for a party, which included kids going in and out the front door all afternoon. LOL! Some years it's warm enough for an outside party, and other ones, like this time around, it's much too cold. The girls made Grandpa's Noodle Surprise and afterward we had grape pie with ice cream. (Do I look fatter to you?)

Tomorrow is my hearing for the incident that occurred at the daycare last February. My lawyer has secured the daycare video footage from that morning and my coworker has assured me that it will go well. I'm looking forward to having this chapter behind me. I have no plans to return to employment in a daycare center. Although there are moments in which I still miss my kitchen job, working at Dunkin comes with much less stress and I love my coworkers, at least most of them. Ha ha!


  1. Happy Birthday, dear Martha! I'm so glad you had such nice celebrations, the orchid sounds wonderful, and the family gathering, so nice. We had two birthdays here today, my daughter Kathryn and grandson Wulf share the day, twenty years apart (27 and 7). It was a bitterly cold day, looked so pretty, but the cold wind, brrr.

    1. Happy Birthday to Wulf and Kathryn!
      Yes! Bitter cold and beautiful.

  2. ...Happy 29th Martha. We saw the Weinermobile at the Tops in Penfield. Neat!

  3. Praying for a great outcome for your hearing tomorrow. It will be so good for you to finally be done with that time.
    Glad you can get a few more hours now at Dunkin Less stress and new friends is always a winner with me.
    Looks like you had a fabulous birthday and lots of great food and fun things to do... That's what it's all about anyways. Family and treasured moments. Happy 29 !!!

    1. Thank you for the prayers. It will be some time before the decisions are made and mailed out, but I am feeling good about the hearing.
