Friday, November 29, 2024
Across the Border
In a few days she will be 85 years old. Bright and sharp and active all the way up into her early eighties, the last few years have been a struggle. Age catches up with the most vibrant and eccentric of us... She's battled an incurable illness this past year, lost a lot of weight, and is wrestling with short term memory loss. Her time is winding down... My heart is sad. I have already missed her for seven years (and more), ever since I moved away from the farm and back into my childhood home, and especially since the divorce. Deep inside of her is a woman who fiercely supports me, but she is also a Momma and desperately loves her son. I get it. I understand. I am okay with that, even if it makes my heart ache.
I won't get to say another goodbye to the woman who has been such an influence in not only my own life, but the lives of my children. Thankfully, I had a chance to say I love you this past July when my son unexpectedly FaceTimed me from Halifax. On the other end of my phone was the same sweet soul I knew and loved. I longed to wrap my arms around her but it was impossible. It will never come to pass.
Life is give-and-take. She gave so much to me, the incredible gift of knowing her, loving her, and (at least once upon a time) of being loved in return. I will take that gift and hold it forever in my heart.
Wednesday, November 27, 2024
January 4, 2018-
So... I've been looking for answers. I've prayed for answers, and
sometimes God has given them, but I have a tendency to question His
answers, which leaves me looking for answers all over again, and
wondering why He doesn't answer...
... He (the therapist) asked what I needed again. I may or may not have said "answers" and the conversation turned to answers vs choices. Here I am, the ever indecisive, needing to make hard choices.
... if I want to move forward, there will be more choices. Some will be
easy, and others will be hard. It is the hard choices that help us grow
and make us strong.
I was looking for a word for this year. maybe it is "choices."
January 8, 2018-
"Because of Calvary, I am free to choose." Max Lucado, Grace for the Moment.
It not so much about getting answers as making choices, and so I will practice choosing. (And quite honestly, I think God really is answering, even if He isn't answering in quite the way I'd expected.)
January 9, 2018-
Today we got two little boxes of new spoons. (at work)Twelve individually wrapped spoons in each box...
... Do you know that on the back of each spoon the word "CHOICE" is engraved? It doesn't say choice on the box, and when I found them online it said nothing about choice...
Today I no longer question the choice I made. I did the right thing, agonizing though it was. Sometimes I still long for someone to wrap me in his arms, but I am wrapped in a love I didn't know existed prior to all the hard choices. Today I am able to love myself in a new and healthier way. My family and I are worth the cost of all I chose to leave behind.
Tuesday, November 26, 2024
Saturday, November 23, 2024
2016 to 2024
Found this in my Facebook memories the other day and thought I'd take another stab at it.
My heart, torn in two from top to bottom, and stitched slowly back together again.
Barn boards that my father hung when I was four years old.
I couldn't tell you because I'm typically sleeping at the time.

Usually country, but classic rock sometimes as well.
That hasn't changed since the last time.
I can't remember. Apparently I'm not keeping track. However, I did laugh until I cried watching funny videos the other day.
How does one choose a favorite color?
No plans to ever eat a real goldfish. I would barf.
Not any more.
Old Navy, Walmart, Kohls
No favorites, but I still like Brad.
One cat named Pippy (I'll probably always miss my Naughties.)
Every time
47 (Or maybe 87)
Still going for blond
“After a good meal and a good pipe, George was tired.”
outside in the woods
Still. I had hopes but the were dashed. Ha ha! (The passport is ready.)
coffee, naps, and toddlers
Halle Jackson
Comforting my heartbroken mommy
I was a child of the 70s...
Not sure... If I have one we must have passed each other without realizing somewhere along the way.
taking a nap (It's one of my weaknesses.)
A few
I don't know. I haven't been keeping track.
I got the best present ever last year when my son and daughter in law took me to Disney for the very first time. I had so much fun!
And grandkids too! Josh, Lucas, Simon, Aubrey, Jake, Austin, Spencer, Jill, Idris, Wes, Parker, Logan, Jonah, Henry, Killian, Lyla, Charlotte, and "Oscar"
Some things remain unchanged
When they are selfish, grumpy, and mean
Still love the Aussie shampoo
Pepper-jack cheese
I still bite my nails
Ha ha! Sometimes.
I make a good friend, so yes.
They do.
Cry (and if I'm mad enough I swear)
Love others and have some fun along the way.
As many as I put in there and probably a few more
I predate the Purple Dinosaur by almost 30 years. Almost.
Mashed potatoes ha ha!
Ugh... honestly, integrity, loyalty, kindness, a sense of humor, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self control, love...
Loving them anyway
I don't watch TV much...
Grow a thick skin and keep on loving them
vanilla with something sweet or yummy on top (Caramel, hot fudge, peppermint mocha, strawberry syrup, maple syrup, chocolate chips, peanuts, whipped cream...)
I do!
Not entirely sure... It's dark and cold outside.
Still thinking on Florida...
My grandkids talking and laughing in the other room
My insurance agent, to cancel my insurance
hatred and injustice
Monday, November 18, 2024
"Give Me Your Tired..."
It is curious what comments are generated simply posting a photo meme.
It's not the first time I've wondered at the plaque which adorns the Statue of Liberty, the words that have given (false) hope to so many looking for safety and freedom. Simply posting the words brought the comment, "We are a country of immigrants, but we also are a country of law and order!"
"We really don't want the huddled masses coming here, and we don't have the space or resources for the homeless, tempest tossed. We should probably get rid of the statue, or at least the plaque. It really sends the wrong idea," I told her.
And she answered with, "i see your point!"
The truth is we are not asking that no one be vetted, or that we allow scores of uncounted people, including criminals, to stream over our borders, but we are asking for a bit of love and kindness for those who have been here since they were children, those whose entire family is here, those whose children are US citizens, and those who desperately need our love and protection. Either we welcome them or we stop sending them false hope.
Sunday, November 17, 2024
Wecome to Dunkin
Afternoon "dance parties" are what I love best at work. The lines slow down between 11am and and 1pm and the mood is light. Jess brings her speaker, turns on some country music and provides us a bit of much needed entertainment. I go home smiling.
I'm going gluten free again. No donuts for Martha. It's been a week and my tummy is feeling softer and less bloated. I'm shooting for 4 weeks to see if it makes a significant difference. (That was an old photograph. And yes, glazed donuts are a favorite.)
In other news, woods walks are the best.
Tuesday, November 12, 2024
What the Hell is Happening?
There are so many things I could say... and so many I either shouldn't or don't have permission to share.
I took a drive down to the lake last Wednesday, picked at rocks along the beach, walked a short way, and sat down on a bench to watch the fishermen along the shore and to gaze at the sky. My heart is broken for our country... How is it that so many people who claim the name of Christ have become so very unlike Him? In the name of "saving babies" the church has discarded entire groups of people, declaring them unworthy, willing for them to be rounded up as cattle and shipped away. Those who prayed for the immigration success of my son in law have now voted against those just like him.It is easy to write off foreigners when we have not rubbed elbows with them, eaten with them, or taken a moment to slip their shoes onto our feet. But when we literally link arms, sing and laugh together, share hugs and tears and family members, the world becomes a much smaller place and the the stranger is no longer alien. I realize there is an immigration problem, but I also know there is a better solution. A cup of cold water, a warm jacket, and a safe place to lay a pillow is a good place to start.
It isn't enough to be deeply concerned for my neighbors, but my heart is also deeply troubled for the church I once loved and thought I knew... The platitudes are nauseating in the face of what is at risk. The mask has fallen off and underneath are the ugly, selfish hearts of the Pharisees.
Sunday, November 03, 2024
Life is Good
Peace. Peace within.
Nine years ago my heart and soul were in anguish. Seven years ago my heart was broken to pieces. Five years ago I couldn't imagine what healing might look like or how it could ever come true. I had been totally devastated... but not completely destroyed. I held onto the belief that I could be happy again, that my heart would heal, that life would be good. And it is.There have been a myriad of battles along the way, lots of tears and heart-wrenching realizations. I left a much loved part of myself behind in the little gray house on the country road through apple orchards. I came home to my father's house, the place where my life began, where I was safe and loved, and began the journey to healing. Five years ago I wrote, "I haven't found myself yet, but I'm still looking." Today I can say I finally feel comfortable in my own skin. My year started out tough, but I've come so far the past ten years and I'd never have gotten here without all the adversity.
To be honest, I thought I was happy in my old life and for the most part I was. I'd never wanted to be anything other than a wife and mother. My positions weren't quite what I'd imagined as a young girl, there were lots of tears, but I'd never be the person I am today without those hard lessons. It's because of them that I have been able to sit down and sort through what I believe and why, to set some beliefs aside, and to tuck others deeper into my heart and soul. Inside I am still very much the same girl I have always been with a generous helping of confidence that I was previously missing.
Honestly, life is good. It is very good.
(Pictures from my Indian Summer walk in the woods on Thursday, which also happened to be Halloween.)