It's nice to go exploring every so often. This morning my sister and I took off on an adventure. She was the driver and had printed up the directions to our final destination. I tried to help navigate but my mind was lost in a sinus fog and I'm afraid I wasn't much help. When she pulled over to look at her papers, I took pictures, because that's what I do best.
We didn't know it at the time, but the route she'd printed out would take us down some of the very same roads our dad had traveled with us when we were little girls and much to our delight, we found ourselves in the little town of Angelica, NY without even making it part of our plan. How cool is that? Of course we had to stop and look in a couple of the shops and drive by Great Grandma Shafer's house as well.

After our slight detour, we headed west on Interstate 86 to the town of Olean, NY and made our way through town. When Rachel slowed down and I saw something cool, I took a picture.
A little south of Olean is Rock City Park. We'd never been so it was new for both of us. We found it breathtakingly beautiful. I took ten thousand pictures.

I have suffered through much of this past week with what I think may heave been a sinus infection. My head and face no longer ache and throb, but I am congested and have laryngitis. (Did I actually spell that right on the first try?!) I'm taking Musinex, drinking hot tea, and trying to get enough rest, but it's still showing on my face.
...sorry to hear of your sinus congestion, fall can be a tough time of year for that. The rocks down there are awesome.