Monday, October 02, 2017

Gold in Them Thar Hills

Another couple pictures from yesterday, because we didn't spend the whole day in the woods. Naples, NY., like Naples, Italy, is known for grapes and wine. The Cabinetmaker took this photo for me (Hey, Tom, maybe I did have a barn photo... ) since he was in the passenger seat.

We headed down Italy Valley Rd but took a left down a seasonal use highway. It's going to be gorgeous when the leaves turn. Almost looks like a painting as it is!

Back to work today. A week ago it felt like July and now we're back to reality. I needed a jacket this morning. It was downright cold!


  1. ...Naples is always a great area to visit, but I afraid that the colors this year may be a bit on the dull side. We've had COLD mornings, but bright sunny days...enjoy.

    1. I can never figure out how it all works. Guess we need a frosty night or two, huh?

  2. That photo would make a wonderful painting!

  3. Martha and her camera.....truly amazing!!

    1. God paints the picture, I try to capture it.
