It's the annual "
Dad Post" because I still love him as much as ever and miss him like crazy. Perhaps in some ways, I've missed him more this past year because I've felt so much like I need him to be here. I've needed his wisdom, his guidance, and his love. I've needed his arms around me and his prayers upholding me, but just when I find myself thinking I don't have those things anymore, I remember that love, wisdom, and prayers are timeless.

I still have my father's love. He poured so much love into my life that the well will never run dry. My dad taught us not only through his words, but by his actions as well. He was a man who said what he meant, and meant what he said. If I search my heart and listen closely, his wisdom is etched into my soul. And God, who lives outside of space and time, not only keeps our tears in a bottle, but he has a bowl filled with our prayers as well. He doesn't count prayers lifted on our behalf as "
expired" when the intercessor passes on, and so I find great comfort in knowing that even though my parents are no longer physically here, I am still wrapped in their prayers and ever will be. And I am grateful.
...he's still in your heart and that's what matters.