Saturday, July 15, 2017

And So...

Sleeping in means staying in bed until 6:30 or 7 am. I guess that's what happens when one wakes up at 5:45 am every other day of the week. I don't mind too much. I actually like morning. My house is the real casualty of working full time. It doesn't get the attention I once gave it and just the other day my vacuum cleaner complained of being hungry and bored. I should probably stay home on Saturdays and focus my attention on getting things done around here, but I am going out again.

I have a 9 am appointment with the counselor. It's been a long 2 years but I think I'm making progress, even it it is painstakingly slow. There are times when I feel like I am fighting this battle alone and in the dark, but I know there is One Greater who fights for all of us, and I am not really alone. I have a select few who pray for and encourage me. Along with that there are other silent fighters in the midst. I may not know their battle but I know they're not alone.

Last night I wandered the yard with my faithful Canon shooting as I went. You'd think I'd already exhausted every photo opportunity on this 3 1/2 acre piece of land, but I just keep capturing images anyway. (I think we need some new hollyhocks. All we have left is white.)


  1. I'm an early riser, also, and count anything past 5 A.M. as "sleeping in."

    I think it is great you are finding new treasures with your Canon, and so glad you remember the One to whom you are yoked. ♥

    1. I would sleep if not for the alarm, and then be disappointed that the day was half over.
