I was awake this morning for the golden moment, that time of day when the sun first peeks over the horizon and the shadows on the wall appear yellow. It's a fleeting moment, one I often miss, so it was a blessing this morning.

I mostly stayed home today, except for going out to find some apples. My favorite apple stand is just about closed up. It was self serve today. Take your apples and leave the money in a box. I wanted a bushel and a bushel is $15. I had 3-4 ones and a couple of $20's. I filled a bushel box and a peck basket and slipped $21 into the box. I'm going to be making a few more pies for my freezer. Maybe Thursday.

Tomorrow it will be back to work. Today I am thankful for a mostly low-stress job and the ability to rearrange my hours just enough to make a visit to the hospital before visiting hours are over.
Bless you
Linda :o)
Apple pies sound very good to me!