Tuesday, December 27, 2011

December Gifts

I haven't shared my "gifts" in a while, and though December has been hard, there are still gifts to thank the Father for...

2565. Early morning sunlight turning the room to gold.

2568. Hannah playing her piano.

2577. A frosted world bathed in sunshine.

2587. Christmas carols, red kettles, and Jesus!

2597. Lips, chapped and dry though they be

2607. Memories of childhood...

2610. A God who hears our desperate cries.

2617. New furniture

2640. An unexpected package from my beautiful nice, Annie

2653. Grandmanita's safe arrival

2661. People; friends and family come to love and encourage the hurting

2662. Being a part of it, How humbling.

2664. Hearing my childhood friend say, "I love you."

2665. The husband God gave me and the man he has become

2669. A place of peace in a world gone mad

2670. Snippets of sleep


  1. Woot woot! I made your gifts list by sending you a gift. That's awesome!

  2. Loved your list...I haven't posted mine for a while either..but I'm still keeping my Gift Journal.
