Ben, Hannah, and I went out for another ride this afternoon. We stopped in Target to pay my bill and grab a few things then wandered around in Kohl's for a while. Afterward we decided to make a return trip to Webster Park. Following a week of warm, rainy weather, we knew the shore would look drastically different from Monday. Much of the snow and ice has melted away and in places the shoreline is now visible, but great chucks of fringed ice remain glued to the breakwater.

Farther down Lake Road, just over the bay outlet bridge, we stopped to check out the pier at Irondequoit Bay. I was surprised to see a man in a black wetsuit hop out of a car with a boogie board under his arm. He seemed almost in a hurry as he strode across the sidewalk and down to the water's edge. He placed the board into the frigid water, climbed on, and paddled away toward the the lake.

I really wanted to go out to the end of the pier, but the wind was bitter, my hood wouldn't stay on, and my face was frozen. Ben and Hannah did have winter jackets with them but, of course, had left them in the van. (Can you tell they're still best friends?) We made it out as far as the bend in the sidewalk, turned around, and ran halfway back.

A large population of water foul congregates on the bay side of the road. Photographers find it fascinating and so do bird watchers. We hadn't brought along any bread for the birds, but there was someone there who did. She sat up on a rock, put a piece of bread in the palm of her hand, and held it up for the birds. Every once in a while one brave gull would swoop down and grab the prize. For those who weren't so bold, she tossed chunks of bread onto the rocks or ice.

Something else out on the ice caught our eyes this afternoon, a couple of emergency workers practicing an ice/water rescue. I'm sure they were dressed warm and waterproof, and know what they are doing, but it still looks scary to me. After a week of temperatures in the 50's or above the ice is extremely dangerous. There were no ice fishermen to be seen.