Monday, June 30, 2008
Sunday, June 29, 2008
The Watching Sky
Not long after we arrived the warm, gentle breeze gained strength and cooled. Storm clouds rolled in and blocked the sun. The water no longer glistened or shimmered, instead the surface began to ripple and the waves lapped at the shoreline. It was beautiful.
I took several photos of the storm clouds. Do you see what I see?
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Rapunzel's Place?
Friday, June 27, 2008
A Hole in One
Feeling Slightly Helpless
After looking around online a bit, I am not altogether convinced that Hannah's reaction was not from the injection itself. I was hesitant to allow the HPV vaccine anyway, but have now read that as many as 10% of girls who receive it have a reaction like this. I think she'll not be getting the final dose.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Passion's Fruit

It's Thursday. A good day to make a list of things I love, some to do and some... some just things that I know are connected in some presently unseen way.
1. Blog- I think it's really the writing I enjoy. The feedback makes it all the more worthwhile.
2. I used to write poetry, especially when I was in 5th grade up through high school. Once in a great while I will still write something, but once it was a passion.
3. Read. I don't do much reading anymore as it feels like I am accomplishing little to nothing when I do, but I love a good novel and usually can't resist telling others the story as I read it. I do miss reading to my kids too.
4. Drawing. My dad instilled in me a love of drawing. At a very young age I learned to look for pencils and papers. My skills are not honed and I feel very inept, but I'm pretty sure its in there somewhere, just waiting
5. Decorative painting. This is actually just another type of drawing only I'm using paint instead of a pencil or pen. Mostly I use someone else's pattern, but once in a while I paint from a photograph or other picture/drawing.
6. Pottery. I took a class a few years ago and tried out the wheel for the first time. I fell in love, closed my eyes and felt the clay spin between my hands...
7. Sculpting with clay is another love. I have an ample supply of clay and a small kiln out in James' spray booth but haven't pulled anything out in what seems like years. Some of my things have yet to be fired. Honestly, we've only fired up the kiln once. I don't know much about ceramics except that I love how clay feels in my hands.
8. The woods. Another thing that's hard to explain. When I was a little girl I loved walking through or playing in the woods. It is a land of fantasy and imagination.
9. Although I was often exhausted by the time and effort invested, I loved having a house full of kids and I loved my babies. They provided the perfect excuse to think childlike, go childlike places, and do childlike things. (O yes, and read those childlike books; Otis Spofford, Homer Price, The Not-Just-Anybody Family...)
10. Making crafts. The dilemma here is that I like a craft worth making, not just things that get tossed in the trash a few days later.
11. I loved walking on my wire wheel.
12. I love making things look cozy and welcoming. Some people hate knick-knacks and "dust collectors" but I find they have a place and make my house feel more like a home. Sometimes they come in the form of pillows or blankets on the couch, sometimes they are actually a basket of toys in a corner. Whatever they may be, they say something about who I am.
13. Music boxes. I don't know what it is about them either but I used to be mesmerized by them. Now I'm too distracted.
14. Ha! Taking photographs needs to be added here too. I love capturing a beautiful moment and putting it on film. Hurray for digital cameras!
Anyway, I am thinking, pondering, musing... One day I'll have an answer to my search.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Caged Animals
Seeing as my home is not very well baby proofed and I preferred to be outdoors, today we set up "the cage". I can't recall where I picked up this particular life saving piece of apparatus, but I think it may have been the church dumpster a few years back. We lay an old bedspread out on the floor of the back porch and stretched out the pen. Add a few toys and voila! a perfect place for Josh to play. (As you can see, we are aware of the dangers that come with the diamond shaped openings and he was not left unsupervised.)
This was Troy's last "Martha Day" and only Alysa arrived on the bus at noon. Sara and Tyler both went home with friends. So, now school is out and the fun begins. I need to figure out some fun days in July so I will know when I am available to watch little girls who must attend summer school and when I will be off gallivanting...
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Keeping the Bases Covered
Years ago when I babysat and my husband worked full time away from home, before my homeschooling adventure began, my days were filled with what may have looked to others like play. Of course I still cleaned, washed clothing, and cooked meals, but I spent a lot of time reading books to and playing toys with little people, dancing to kid tapes, walking around the block, and sitting outside just watching the kids play. We walked to story time at the library, went to visit Grandma's house, or drove down to either the park or the playground. Somewhere between those days of "play" and here I lost my ability to take it easy and not worry about the fact that I am sitting down. Is it really okay to sit and read a novel for hours? Can I pull out my paints or clay before the morning chores are done? What if I feel like jumping out of bed one morning and taking off for a day at the beach or a hike through the woods? Aren't those productive activities too? I think they are. This summer I hope to make a return to the days of "play" and maybe I'll take my grandson along.
Monday, June 23, 2008
My Blue Heaven... almost
As I strive for simplicity this summer, you just may find me somewhere along the southern shore of Lake Ontario taking in what I otherwise may have missed.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Winding Down
Friday, June 20, 2008
Twenty-Seven and Counting

The Crazy Week
Thursday, June 19, 2008
"My Birthday's June 19"
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Shop Til You Drop
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Hail to the Chief and Straw Breeze
Monday, June 16, 2008
The Gift of a Dad
Saturday, June 14, 2008
A Wedding

Friday, June 13, 2008
Play Day
Thursday, June 12, 2008
One- Two- Three- Four
When Christmas comes this year, we will be looking for a brand new grandchild. Dave and Leta are expecting! A few weeks back, on Mother's Day, Dave handed me a little piece of paper, folded in half, and said "Happy Mother's day." I was curious about the paper and opened it never expecting to see an ultrasound image. I think its pretty awesome.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Where's Waldo?
My husband insists I taught them this behavior but it doesn't appear that he is trying to help...
And, although a serious picture would have been nice, there is something wonderful about the goofy ones. They make me smile.
Hey, everybody has their eyes open!
And to all who noticed Nathan wasn't in this picture, "Thank you." It's nice to be missed.
Monday, June 09, 2008
Freedom or Bondage
They answered Him, "We are Abraham's descendants, and have never been in bondage to anyone. How can You say, 'You will be made free'?"
Jesus answered them, "Most assuredly, I say to you, whoever commits sin is a slave of sin.
And a slave does not abide in the house forever, but a son abides forever.
Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed."
Saturday, June 07, 2008
The One-Wheeled Wonder
Bethany comes from a long but little known line of circus performers. Her mother once walked the wire wheel and her father is quite accomplished at stilt walking. I've seen old movies of her great grandfather holding a stick in front of his body, one hand at either end, and jumping over it forwards and backwards. Her brother has also accomplished this difficult feat, well kind of... Uncle Chuck has a grand menagerie of trick bicycles and I can twirl the baton. She also has an aunt who went to clown school and a grandmother who can put both feet behind her head. Now if we could just get Hannah to take up the trapeze and Benjamin the high wire, we just might have a full fledged show!
Friday, June 06, 2008
The House at Pooh Corner
Hot and Humid
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
This Old House and Rip Van Winkle
Down the road and around the corner a mile or two is another run down house. This one has not been abandoned, just neglected. In the garage outside the second house are two old cars and a bunch of feral cats who enjoy sunning themselves on nice days. I have named one cat Rip Van Winkle because he is always asleep on the trunk of one old car. Rip will not be waking up any time soon. He has been sleeping there on the back of that car since early January. At first I was horrified by the fact that no one bothered to take care of him, now I am just amazed he is still there. Once or twice I had to laugh when I saw another cat using him as a cushion to sit on. (That was back in the colder weather.) Months ago I thought about calling animal control. I have considered taking his picture... Now I am just curious how long he will remain asleep on the trunk of that old car.
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
A Cry in the Dark
You won't see anything in the video posted, but you will hear a hopeful cry in the dark. This is our mockingbird calling to his beloved in the still of the night. He is lonesome and alone, hoping someone out there will hear him and answer his call. We hope so too. :)
The mockingbird reminds me of another kind of cry in the dark, the cry of lonely, hurting people looking for someone or something to soothe the anguish of their souls, never realizing that Jesus loves them and died to wash away their sins. Jesus once cried out in the dark of the night too, in the Garden of Gethsemane. He cried out to His Father on the night before His Crucifixion. "Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me." But there was no other way to redeem a lost and dying world. Jesus, God's only son, had to die and be raised again to give us that hope. The pains and sorrows of life don't disappear when we give our hearts to Him. There is still pain and sorrow. But we, like Paul and Silas while they were imprisoned for their faith, can have a song in the night because we know that we belong to Jesus and He gives us hope.